Monday, May 6, 2013

Crime is Pride

                                                          Think: all men make mistakes
But a good man yeilds when he
Knows his course is wrong,
And repairs the evil: The only
Crime is pride.
This passage is true in many aspects. When people do something wrong and they are made aware of it, its better to fix what they did than to keep doing to wrong thing. If they don't fix it, then they will be punished for it in some way, which is exactly what people want when a crime is committed.
Not all crime is pride though, and not all pride is crime. Crime can be rooted from anger, inferiority, desires and just plain stupidity. Pride isn't crime because we wouldn't know a lot of great artworks or concepts without it. If people didn't have some pride in their work it may never happen again, and it may not inspire people all around the world to do their own form of hard work.
People should also have the wisdom to know what is right and what is wrong. Something may be wrong according to what they have been taught, but that doesn't mean that what will come out of their mistake won't be amazing. So many of the things we have today would not be here if it weren't for a simple mistake made by someone who realized not all mistakes are bad, and that it is better to go with what they have.
It is true that all people make mistakes. Some mistakes do need to be fixed, but others need to be known. (259)

AP Exams

With AP tests comes stress and anxiety. Even though people hear the same advice over and over again, usually they end up just doing what they feel like doing. Cramming, and freaking out, two things they recommend NOT doing.

If I were to give advice though, I'd say sometimes cramming isn't a bad thing, depending on how you do it. You should definitely study more than once for such a bit exam, by studying certain things certain nights starting a week or so before the exam. If you're pretty confident with the material though, instead of freaking out and reading the book work for word, simply go through all of it the night before or before leaving to go to your exam. Sit somewhere comfy, eat something yummy, maybe even be with a friend, and just go through the words or formulas you need to know, and think of ways to apply them to different situations. Just do so with good time; don't stay up really late the night before just because I told you it might help.

They also tell you to eat a healthy filling breakfast before taking the exam. Honestly though, just eat what you know will get you through the next 3 hours of sitting in a gray room with people surrounding you close enough that would be able to hear every growl of your stomach if you thought a healthy breakfast is one that isn't very filling. No, I'm not telling you to go eat fast food or cake for breakfast. Just eat something that will fill you up but wont make you feel sick even during a nerve wracking essay.

Get enough sleep, pay full attention to your studies but don't overwork your brain (take breaks), and make sure to let yourself only be a little bit nervous. You'll get through it! (308)

The Bad, the Good, and the Media

Recently in Boston during a marathon, two bombs went off, killing and harming a lot of people. The scene was terrible; people already with wobbly legs from running for so long had their second huge adrenaline rush of the day, this time with so much fear surrounding them.

This horrific incident caused a lot of people to step up though. So many people went out of their way to help those in need, all the while with a thought in their head that they could be in danger. People working the water stands, people watching, and even runners were trying to help get people what and where they needed, carrying if they needed to.

The next day, and probably for the entire next week, there were people all across Boston mostly, but even across the country, running together in silence to give respect and remember those that were killed or injured during the marathon. Right away a huge investigation took place to find out who started all of this, and its amazing how fast they figured it out.

Some might argue though, that the media gave all of this a little too much attention. Most of the stories surrounding what happened were about the two men responsible, and about how bad it all was, not about all of the good that happened right after, or about how the marathon itself went. It's understandable people want to know what happened, but sometimes the media gives certain things unneeded attention.

There is a lot of hate in this world, but when something terrible happens is when people seem to come together, and that gives everyone hope.(274)

Save the Planet!

Back when the flood hit Cedar Rapids in 2008, I knew a few people who didn't try at all to use the least amount of water they could. They went on with their daily routine and did nothing to help anyone. Their thought was that they are only 1 person or so, and that it wouldn't make a difference in the big scheme of things. If more people thought that though, as I'm sure more people did, it would make a big difference. So why not just do your part? This applies to a lot of things.

There are so many ways you can help save energy and better your environment. You could turn a light off when you're not in a room, unplug things when you don't need them to be plugged in, turn the water off when you don't need it and recycle whatever you can. It may seem like it doesn't do a lot at all, but all of these simple actions can make a big difference.

If you really think about it, we are using a lot more natural resources than we used to, and that number increases as the population does. Years and years from now we could run out, crazy and impossible as that sounds. Even if it might not happen in your lifetime, why not help your future great great great great (x20) grandkids?

Walk down any street or to the nearest creek and chances are you will find trash on the ground. This can damage the animals that live around these areas and eventually, with those animals possibly contaminated, could damage us too. If you're not going to do it for others, remember how all of it can affect you too. Go out and pick up trash one day instead of staying inside. If you go with some friends, it can be really fun and at the same time helpful to everyone. (320)


Puns are hilarious. You can't deny a good pun.

Puns can be about anything and everything, and they can be loved by old people and young, they can have funny word play and are just so dang clever.

I love when people who aren't used to puns take a second to think about what you just said, and after they understand it their eyes get big and they let out a "HA!" as if that was the best thing they've ever heard. People who hear puns all the time though have to crack a smile no matter how stupid the pun may have been.

Puns can uplift any conversation, and when you think of a good one you just have to laugh at it too. Just don't be that loser who is the only one laughing at their own joke (psh.. I never do that..) Sometimes, the worst ones are the best ones.

Here are some funny pictures to brighten your day:

35 Terrible Puns To Brighten Your Day  35 Terrible Puns To Brighten Your Day


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

This Post is Pointless

I can't think of anything to write about. It is late at night and I am so tired it seems like it was 3 days ago that I got home from this half day to eat ramen. I've been sitting here for about a half hour reading through blogs trying to find something to blog about. The thing is, there are a billion things I could blog about, its that I can't find anything to say. My mind is fried.

Although it has been a long day it wasn't a bad one. The best kind of days are the ones where you spend all of your time doing something, having a good time doing it, and when the day is finally over you can go to your bed and fall asleep easy, feeling no pressure and feeling content.

People have way too many expectations for their days to go well or badly. If you don't expect anything at all, you wont be disappointed. Just go with the flow and if something bad happens, remember that a week from now, you wont even be thinking about it, instead off to another situation and thinking about that one.

Remember all of the good things that happened in your day after you stress out about the bad things. Let yourself take a deep breath and be okay with the things you cant change! (230)

Tom and Jerry

Tom punches Jerry. Jerry runs to the hole in the wall, safe at home. Tom tries everything, but his big cat paws just won't reach the shaking mouse that is Jerry. Jerry gets an idea. Jerry and Tom fight for a while, until the owner of the house comes home to find a giant mess with only Tom to blame.

When you're a kid you think Jerry is hilarious because he always gets away with his tricks and wins the battle. But when you grow up you realize that poor Tom was only doing what every cat tries to do when he sees a mouse, that he gets harassed for it by the mouse that is supposed to be inferior, and then gets yelled at by his owner for disappointing yet again.

Oh, the way of life.

The mind of a child is so naïve and happy. They don't care who you are or what your name is, they just care that you are smiling and that you are willing to play a game of their own imagination with them. When we get older we come to envy that mind, and remember the good old days when growing up, getting a job and going to college was just something adults do. Something they told you would happen when you grew up, but something that seemed like just an idea because all you know is being taken care of and relying on others to help you. All you know is that when you grow up you will always feel the same way.

Crazy as it is, already as teenagers we notice a huge difference. We no longer have all the energy in the world to just do, and play and laugh all the time. Now our minds are full of worries and responsibilities that we now realize are only just the beginning.

Growing up can be so scary. The best advice anyone can give is find happiness that will last you forever, whatever it may be; a job, a person, a hobby or a sport. Something that you can always rely on to bring you back up when you're down, because it a simple ice cream cone won't do it as well as it used to. Although this all seems so far away and somehow so close at the same time, it doesn't have to be seen as a bad thing. You now can do so much more than what you used to be able to, so enjoy it!(418)


I've had my job now for about a year and half, and now that its been that long, I honestly can't remember what I did when I didn't have a job. The other day I heard someone ask "How do people with jobs and sports get things done?" but my question is "What the heck to people without jobs and sports DO all day?!"

Obviously I don't keep up on my blogs much, but besides that I'm usually able to keep my grades up well along with my schedules. But the days I get home from school and I don't have a lot of homework to do and I don't have to go to work, I have no idea what to do with myself. I clean for a while, or I play some music sometimes, but I would go crazy without something hands on to do day after day.

So what do people do? Well you could learn to play an instrument, play video games, actually do your homework diligently and efficiently (ha) or make an elaborate dinner. You could spend all your time on the internet: social networks, Netflix, browsing or watching youtube. You could read a lot, clean a lot, eat a lot, help a lot, rest a lot or support a lot. Depending on how strict your parents are and how much time you do have after school, you could go hang out with friends or family somewhere on weekdays too.

I saw a quote once that said something like "How can you say you're bored? You are the most intelligent living thing on this planet with so much around you to do..." okay that was terrible but it was something like that. All I know is it hit me that with the time we have to do what we want, we could be doing so much instead of sitting around and complaining about how there is nothing to do. As weird as it sounds I get grumpy when I'm bored, not when I'm hungry or tired like most people, so it helped with the hitting me hard. Even so, there is never enough time, so much to learn and see and experience.(366)

Just Leave It Alone

A few weeks ago my sister came over to my house to hang out for a while before she had to go cut someone's hair. We were talking, and she told me about how mad she was because the other day for training at work, every new person wouldn't stop telling her how cute and small she is, and how they didn't want to be her partner as they were afraid of hurting her. (She was training for her work to know how to get out of a persons grip) The funny thing is that my 5'1" sister who wears size 0 pants and has the voice of a mouse took tae kwon doe until she was a black belt, and is one of the toughest people I know. She hates when people underestimate her, which is exactly what those people were doing. She kept saying to me, "I just don't get it, I know I'm small but they kept telling me it as if I didn't know." This happens a lot.

This happens a lot with a lot of things though, not just short people. I was always the quiet kid in middle school, and of course I knew people thought it, but it was always a little aggravating when people would say, "You're so quiet and nice, you wouldn't hurt a fly!" You don't know me, you just said I'm quiet proving my point. I know that I'm quiet, and one person saying it is enough, everyone around doesn't have to join in telling me things I already know about myself.

Another one of these is when people tell others that they need to gain weight. "You're so skinny" can have the same effect as saying "You're so fat" to a person, and most people don't seem to realize that. You have no idea if they like or don't like these things about themselves, and you could have just pointed out something they hate most, even if you don't see it that way.

If someone looks or acts a certain way leaning toward the extreme, it is very obvious to them, and there have probably already been plenty of people to tell them that. Also, mirrors are pretty common, they've probably figured it out for themselves. (378)

Jobs Can Ruin You

Having a job can be great; you meet more people, have fun with customers and get money all along. Although it can be great, sometimes there are times when you curse your job for what its done to you.

I work at Hy-Vee in the Bakery, and I used to love cookies and muffins just as much as the next person, but the smell can get really old really fast. When you have to wake up early after a late night to go to work, you're already not going to be feeling very well, and the last thing you want filling you nostrils is the smell of something sweet and fattening. The smell of dough and fruit mixing, the smell of the garlic bread just out of the oven, the smell of frosting as it is being carefully slathered onto a cake. When you first start, these smells are amazing, but after a while, they just become nauseating. After a few times of eating a broken cookie and it making you feel a little sick, you start to lose your love for cookies and muffins, and after making party mix causing me to smell like Worcestershire sauce all night, I definitely have lost my love for that too.

Before the bakery, I was a checker. This changes your views on a lot of items people come through and buy. Sometimes it makes you like them more; the smell of a rotisserie chicken 15 minutes before you're break when you're starving causes you to just love the smell. Other times though, it just loses its value. Now when I see a banana, I think 4011, because that's the number I push in when weighing the bananas people buy. This happens with a lot of produce. Another thing is when I'm at a Hy-Vee, even when I'm not working, I cant help but fix something on a shelf or push a cart to an area if it bugs me enough. It's also made it so I've asked strangers how they were a few times, then realized that was probably really creepy considering I'm in regular pedestrian clothes, and not my Hy-Vee clothes.

I'm sure things like this happen with any job people get. Instead of just sitting there, you start to notice things and help the workers wherever you are, just because you know how they feel. It can be a good thing, but sometimes it can get really annoying. (408)

Spring has Sprung!... Someone Go Knock on Wood

Finally it is beginning to look and feel like spring! The sun is warmer and the wind is lessening and although there's a lot of cold rain, at least it isn't snow, and I am so excited. Spring is my favorite season because everything is so bright and new after the snow and gray colors covered it for so long. I live near a park with a big pond, and for the first time this year I saw ducks chilling in my front yard, something that is almost a daily occurrence in the summer... I squealed a little.

The problem is living in the Midwest can be a little bit frustrating. It can go from one day being sunny and hot to the next day having snow on the ground. So far it has been rainy but it's supposed to get better soon, starting with the 70 degree weather that is predicted for this Saturday. After that, we are all hoping that it stays warm. This is especially true because a week from today it will be May. We all know April showers bring May flowers, and considering all the showers we've gotten, we better be getting a lot of flowers.

Now that the weather is getting better, people are able to do so much more than they were before. Going outside and playing sports or just going on a run, taking a pet on a walk, and driving with the windows down are some of the best things about it all. Even watching it can make you happy, like when you drive down a road and see a bunch of kids playing outside, causing the most audible of "aww"s.

People have gotten so excited for this new season that many have already started wearing shorts, despite the 30-40 degree weather. All of the excitement makes it harder to concentrate on getting homework done, because everyone just wants it all over so that summer can come and school will be over until the next year. Even though everyone is having a bit of difficulty with it, they seem to already be in such a better mood.(356)

Social Media

What was twitter and facebook made for?

"Someone bring me Starbucks" "Im going to be alone forever" and "Im so sick of this!" ... Just a few of the things you will see about every time you scroll down twitter. It has come to the point where twitter has become a place for the people to throw themselves a pity party.

Facebook isn't as full of these complainers as much as twitter. Instead people post pictures and statuses about things they consider positive. Some might argue that selfies, the duckface, and you with your arm thrown over the shoulder of your friend while in your bikinis as not positive. Some might also argue that the reason it is a little more censored than twitter is because now cousins, parents, and even your grandparents go on facebook. Almost everyone can say they have that one annoying aunt or uncle that loves to comment on all of your stuff.

Social media has the intention of giving the users more opportunities to communicate. You can do group messaging, private messaging, post pictures and statuses to people across the world, or just a few people that you select if youd rather not let someone specific see. People take advantage of it all, and get caught up in the blue and beautiful screens that give them more opportunities to show everyone things best learned by meeting them in person. Where's the privacy?

Nowadays you can know a lot about someone without even having to talk to them face to face. It ruins the way most people judge others, because they see who they are on the internet and assume that's who they must be in person too. They can see someone they barely know, but decide they do or don't like that person because of the pictures and statuses and tweets posted. It can make it harder and more complicated to have longer lasting friendships and relationships.

It's great to be connected to more people easier, but at some point it can be too much. Cyberbullying, creeping and catfishing are just a few things that you risk running into by just signing up for a social network account. It can also become very addicting and can get in the way of the things you might otherwise be doing or be interested in. (387)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What would you do for a good grade?

Today a student came into one of my classes, just casually visiting before he was going to leave for the day. After my teacher asked how the student was doing, he said he was mad at his Spanish teacher. Teacher asked why, and he told us his story of how his Spanish teacher had ripped his math homework out of his notebook and asked him to get on his knees and beg to get it back. All because he was working on it in her class.

Here's something teachers seem to never understand: We students have more classes than just yours, and even if you think yours is the most important, it probably isn't. If every teacher tells a single student to prioritize their class first, where would that student be?

Nowadays grades are more important than learning. In classes you see kids rushing to get homework done, not because they are just so eager to learn about that subject, but because the class is next and they don't want it to be counted late, docking them points. There is so much pressure surrounding each student to get good grades, that they aren't learning so much as memorizing the information enough to pass the next test. If you ask a student a question they would have known in a heartbeat first term again in third term, chances are they don't know the answer.

In one of my classes we barely have any homework. We take notes during class in a way that is fun for everyone, yet we get through a lot. We have a study guide due at the end of each chapter that needs to be turned in on the test day. Not a lot of pressure, and yet everyone does well in the class. I've learned a lot in that class too, and we can have discussions about things we learned in first term like it was just the other day. This is because we don't always have to worry about reaching deadline, just about paying attention and actually learning the things taught in class so we can do well on the tests.

It could be fixed if every teacher just took a breath and allowed the student to do the same soon after. It's okay if the class is hard, but the point is to teach and help the students, not to bombard them and make them work themselves to exhaustion. (405)

The Term "Dirty"

Everyday as a high school student (or even simply as a human being) we encounter judgmental people. The type of people that will find something wrong with everyone they meet. People that without knowing the person next to them, will criticize a movement, an appearance, or a vibe. People that don't care what it means to the person they are critiquing, but care what it doesn't mean to them.

But why?

If you get to know the person, you could find you like them a lot. If you don't then fine, that's your choice, but you cant just claim a fact about something you know nothing about. That, my friend, is simply hasty and ignorant. The problem is, sometimes its the people you least expect to say something that just for a split second makes you feel sick.

One thing I hate is when people categorize people into a group called "The Dirties" These people are those who may have greasy hair, who may not have the best complexion, who may not have "normal" clothing and who may sometimes smell bad. People who are in band are generally assumed to be a part of this "group". People who call others dirty say things like "Eew, they look so gross." and "How hard is it to shower? I'm gonna throw soaps at them" and "ugh its just disgusting"

You don't know them. All you know is what they look like. You don't know why they look like that, or even if they choose to look like that at all. Why cant people just be people, no matter what their clothes and hair look like? You stay friends with people because of their personalities, not because of their amazing personal hygiene.

Some people are just too quick to judge, and don't even give others a chance to say what they want to say. There is no possible way you can understand a person by a few conversations either. If you haven't lived what they have, you have no right to say anything about them at all. (344)

School Hallways

The hallways in Kennedy are crazy. You need a strategy to get through it when it gets really bad, and if you don't, you'll end up getting carried and pushed along the crowd into a place you didn't intend to go. But if you try to hard to push away from the crowd, you can get dirty looks, a few choice words, and even a slap on the head (has happened to me twice now).

Some people use the buddy system. Grab someone and push. Eventually you'll make it through. If you have a friend that is bigger than you and willing, you could even grab onto the back of their backpack and let them lead you to where you need to go, with them getting most of the shoving.

Others are just aggressive. They are bigger, therefore can push harder, and aren't afraid to be pushed back, as it wont do much to dwindle their pursuit. These are the kind of people that part hallways, simply by walking with their elbows out and with the kind of confidence people see right away and don't want to mess with.

Then there are the small people. These people might sometimes get pushed around, but if they're agile enough, they can just jump around people and avoid a crash. People are also a little less likely to push around the small petite one.

People might try to wait a little bit for the crowd to pass and get into their respective classes to venture out into the

Freshmen at the beginning of the school year are always easy to point out, as it surprises them how many people there are in such a small space, even when they have been warned and given tips by upper classmen. It can be scary, walking in the doors to a huge crowd of bustling obnoxious teenagers. Staring at the top of the stairs, your home base and safe spot, knowing the only way to get there is to get through the crowd. Like playing the game of frogger; obstacles to cross, don't run into something and don't fall, just get to the other side. As long as you don't panic and go for it, it gets easier.

The Lion King

Today in physics two girls started singing Hakuna Matata, and were promptly told to shut up my the student behind me. He said something like, "Would you stop Samba?" After a few seconds of confusion, they realized his mistake. "Did you mean Simba?!" They asked, and when he said yes, at least 3 others around him became horrified. Not only did he mess up the name, he said, "Simba, yeah, sorry I never really liked the Lion King."

How can you not like the Lion King?

It was like we reacted in the same way SpongeBob did when Squidward repeated three times that "I've never had a Krabby Patty!" Those words. In the same sentence. In that order. It just wasn't even fathomable.

The Lion King is an amazing movie, the first, the second, and the  1 1/2. It is a movie that is dear to the hearts of many of my peers, as it came out when we were young enough to fall in love with Mufasa's wisdom, Simba's courage, Nala's loyalty and of course Timon and Pumbaa's sense of humor. If you haven't seen it, watch it, because there is a large chance you'll love it too. Not only the story line, but the music that makes everything that much better.

My sister, who is not one to show emotions much, apparently cried about three times when she went to go see the play of it on Broadway. She said they did an amazing job, and got the same opinions from a friend who recently went to it in New York.

I've heard many people say that when they watch the movie now, they still cry during the most dramatic parts, even though they are old now and know exactly what is coming. It has romance, humor, and shows changing friendships and the maturation of Simba, a little naïve lion at first who turns into a great king. (320)


Remember in elementary school there would always be that one quiet kid that the teacher would yell at? Not because they interrupted, or were being chatty, but because they weren't paying any attention to the words on the board, but the words in the book on their desk in front of them? Yeah, that was me.

When I was younger I went to the library almost every week with my mom and go straight to where my favorite section of books were. I even got the point where I got frustrated, because when you're a kid with a limited reading section, you run out of books in the library that you haven't read. So many of the toys and ice cream trips I got came from those summer reading programs I did with the other kids my mom babysat. I don't own a ton of books though, I always found it pointless to buy when you could just borrow, so even though I loved them I never would ask for books for my birthday.

In the past few years, I lost my love for reading. I think I've maybe read about 3 books in the past two years (besides the required), something that I would have done in about a month in middle school. Recently though, I decided to start reading more again, and I have this rule that no matter how hard it gets, you don't just put down a book without finishing it. You always have to give it another chance to amaze you with it's stories.

Some of the best books when I was younger was all of the Series of Unfortunate Events (that movie was terrible), Inkheart series, the Percy Jackson series, and a series about kids that were hidden in their houses (I can't remember the title). I do own a few of these, and I still read them from time to time, and still love them.

Books can be so consuming, and it is amazing how many different story lines people can think of. It is a crazy feeling when you are so engrossed in a book  you feel like a part of the story, and when you go back to reality everything seems off for a minute before you realize where you are and what's really going on. Read more, learn more, and you'll hear and see things you wouldn't have otherwise. (399)

Family Name Songs

When I was much younger, maybe 6 or 7 years old, my grandpa made me a CD that became my favorite thing to listen to. For years I would beg to play this CD whenever we went on car rides because it always just made me so happy. All of the songs on it contain a first name of someone in my family.

After I got older and the normal thing of having a CD player in almost every room became something of the past, the CD stayed in a container in my room along with a bunch of other old CD's I haven't listened to for years.

Today though, with the help of my new laptop, I listened to it again, and have gotten through all of it a few times. It brings back so many memories of my childhood and I found myself smiling after the beginning of each song, and remembering how whenever I used to see my uncle Jack I'd sing the song from this CD to him, and realizing that I still sing Sherrybaby to my mom sometimes, making her laugh every time. All of the songs are very old, many of them unknown to most of my friends, but they started my love for old music that still stays with me.

The songs on the CD include:
Good Golly Miss Molly (for my sister)
Little Diane (for my great aunt)
Sherrybaby (for my mom)
Hey Paula (for my aunt)
Willie and the Hand Jive (for my cousin)
Message to Michael (for my grandpa himself, or my uncle who has the same name)
Poor Jenny (a 2nd cousin)
Don't Let's Talk About Lisa (for my aunt, Will's mom)
Proud Mary (one of my grandpa's sisters)
Wake Up Little Susie (another 2nd cousin)
Work With Me Annie (my cousin, Will's sister)
Bobby's Girl (a 2nd cousin)
Big Bad John (my cousin, Will's brother)
Sleepy Eyed John (John's a common name)
Daniel (great uncle)
Tom Dooley (my dad)
Tracy (another 2nd cousin)
Hats Off to Larry (grandma's brother, Bob's dad)
Hit the Road Jack (my uncle, Will's dad)
Gretchen (my grandma)
Michael Row the Boat Ashore (another common name)
Hey Mickey (Michael again? I don't know this one)
Be Bop Grandma (no names, but describes my grandma so well because she loves rock music)
I'm My Own Grandpaw (no names, but used to make me laugh so hard...still does)
Run Joey Run (another 2nd cousin) (408)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Summer Skies-Poem

1 As I lay here I feel so comforted and warm
2 I can still see color when I close my eyes
3 The world is not real, thus can do no harm
4 The bird sings, the wind blows, the flower sighs
5 When I look up, I see just clouds

6 The sun starts to set, and shadows arise
7 We've got time on our side, without a worry or care
8 Everything around us has new perspective, a disguise
9 The sight of this all makes me just stop and stare
10 When I look up, I see just colors

11 The fire in front of us burns brilliantly dull
12 Snuggled up under blankets, all that's out is my toes
13 So hot yet so cold, the long day takes its toll
14 It all allows me to feel content and to doze
15 When I look up, I see just stars

line 4- Personification- The bird sings, the wind blows, the flower sighs
lines 5, 10, and 15- Anaphoria- When I look up...
line 8- Metaphor- A disguise
line 11- Oxymoron- Brilliantly dull
line 13- Antithesis- So hot yet so cold
line 14- Zeugma- Allows me to feel content and to doze
The whole poem includes Imagery- touch and sight

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


-the colors are bright and stand out against the white
-looks like a keyboard as if you could type with the mnms
-communication got sweeter and better because of mnms
-promotes creativity and fun and the purchase of their product

Monday, February 18, 2013

Words and Actions

Words and actions. They are completely different things. Some people are all talk and no walk. Others do what they say, others do the opposite. Some people argue that words have bigger impact, others say action, either way you see it, they both do a lot.

Starting with words. People say a lot, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me". There are very few people out there though, that actually live up to this saying. No matter how hard you try, the things people say do affect you and your mood. When people give you compliments, you feel good. When people insult you, you feel bad. If you let it bring you down or up is a completely different story, but the words said to and about you do affect you.

It would be amazing to not care at all what people thought of you, but if everyone did that, so many things in this world just wouldn't really exist, or be as advanced as they are right now. People like to be liked, its a natural part of our human wants and needs. This is why mean jokes can be so highly offensive, and why, for example, if you wear a shirt or your hair a certain way and someone makes a comment on it, there is a high chance it will change how often you wear it.

Actions are different. People sometimes say, "Words don't mean anything if your actions don't reflect them". In a lot of ways this is true; if someone tells you they care for instance, but are always ditching you, their words will start to lose meaning. If someone tells you they don't like you, but are constantly trying to get your attention... well why else would they want your attention, right? Giving an excuse for your actions doesn't work after it's been used enough times, and people aren't going to believe your words after a while.

It is also true though, that sometimes people's actions don't always correspond with how they feel. There are a lot of reasons why people do the things they do, and sometimes people aren't genuine, but that isn't always a bad thing. Good intentions is what matters the most.

Words and actions are a big part of human communication and relationships. They both would mean nothing without the other, and mean everything to people.(406)


Siblings can sometimes be the best things, or the worst. They can be someone to know what you're going through and be there for you, or someone who just drives you crazy. They can be there to play around and have fun with when you're at home, or they can be someone that is just in your way. They can be all of these, and are all of these, depending on the day.

Growing up, the majority of your time was spent at home with your family. They are the people that know you well, and are usually able to predict your actions when a situation rises. They are the people you might be really uncomfortable around, or the people that you can be completely yourself around. You might fight with them sometimes, but they are the people you go to when no one else is there.

Older siblings are the ones who teach you a lot. They have experienced more than you have, and can warn you about certain things in school, at home, or just in life. You might look up to them, or just look at them with respect. When you're younger and you get into fights, people will tell you, "you know, you're going to miss them once they move out". Nooo, you think, it'll be different. But then the older you get the closer you may become, and when that person you used to see everyday moves out, and you only see them maybe once every few weeks, you finally understand what those people were talking about.

Younger siblings can be very annoying. They are always stealing your stuff or violating your space. They probably are what cause the fights from your perspective, but no matter what, they are the ones you feel most protective of. No one is able to make fun of them or bully them except you, right? And when they are feeling down or are in a good mood, they're the ones you can have a lot of fun with and know just how to cheer them up. You teach them a lot even when you don't realize it, and even if they don't always show it, they appreciate you.

Siblings are great to have. Even on the days that they seem to just drive you up the wall, its good to at least have someone there that has seen what you've seen and understands who you are. If you had the choice of being an only child or having eight siblings which would you choose? I know I'd choose the eight, all the way.(435)

Little Dogs or Big Dogs?

Not everyone is a dog person, but the people that are usually have a preference; small dogs or big dogs. They both are great of course, they're dogs, and all dogs are great. There are different reasons as to why they are great though, and sometimes people go for neither, and have medium dogs, which can be great too.

Big dogs are fun to be around, they can make you feel safe and make a great pillow. They're always so loyal, and usually pretty smart. They can make great horses for small kids and, like most dogs, typically love a good game of fetch. Sometimes though, they don't know just how big they are. When I was little I was once at a friends house who had a huge dog, and when he wagged his tail to say hello, it smacked me so hard I fell into their grandfather clock. They also might run into and hurt kids or other small animals. If they get really excited when you take them on a walk and aren't trained to heel, they might end up walking you instead.

Small dogs are also fun to be around, and you can pick them up easily as they are so light. They are usually playful, but you have to be more careful with them. They sometimes think they are bigger than they are, and might try and look tough and bark at the mailman, but won't be taken seriously by most people. They are easy to cuddle with and hold in your arms, and might be more kid friendly because biting aside, its nearly impossible for little dogs to harm a child.

If both these sound good, there are also medium dogs. They can also be picked up, just maybe not as easily. They can be loyal and good to go on runs with. They aren't too big to be around little kids, but aren't small enough to fit into a purse if you're one who likes to do so.

No matter what kind of dog you get, they will be amazing pets. With good training and a lot of love, these animals will be there for you no matter what. Dogs are great, no matter what size.(376)


What would life be like without mirrors? Very, very different. Of course there are different ways people would be able to look at themselves; puddles like in the movie Tarzan, or in glass windows. But without mirrors, would people have less motivation to look at themselves all the time?

When people get ready in the mornings they look in the mirror to do their makeup, or to check their clothes or teeth. Whenever people walk by a reflective surface they have a tendency to look over just to see themselves as they're walking, just to make sure. Typically girls (although a lot of guys do it too) will go into the bathroom, do their business, and then look in the mirror as they are washing their hands to make sure they look okay, and fix whatever they deem not good enough.

Once at school people taped a poster covering the mirror saying things like, "You are beautiful". They did this to encourage people to, for at least that day, not look in the mirror, not check their appearance, and just go about their day not worrying about how good or bad they looked. It didn't work though, and people tore off the poster, or at least enough of it to be able to look at themselves in the mirror. They thought the poster was stupid, and that they should have the freedom to look at themselves in the mirror when they want to.

Would people worry less about what they looked like if there were no mirrors? Would people be judged less? Or more? Would they be judged more so on their actions and personality rather than what they are wearing or what their hair looks like? What would advertisements be like? These questions are hard to answer, as appearances are a huge part of society and our everyday lives.(313)


Grass. Grass is amazing. It's like Earth's hair. It can be brownish or light green or a bright vibrant green. Some people don't mow their lawn a lot and their grass is long and soft, while others take great care in keeping their yard look good; even making sure to take out all of the weeds within it and put stuff in it when spring begins so it is the best kind of green on the street.

Grass is a lot better to play sports in than on the cement, because if you fall it won't hurt as badly and, depending on what's on your feet, easier to run in. You can do cartwheels without skinning your hands, you can roll down the hills without worrying about hitting a hard spot, and you can lay down without it hurting.

Grass also holds a lot of surprises. Underneath is dirt, in which you can plant flowers or trees and is a home to a lot of insects or small animals. I've found a few praying mantises in my day, and there are plenty of crickets around to create a soothing sound for summer nights.

Grass feels good to go barefoot, and feel under your feet. It's also fun to lay in, whether it be to watch the clouds, the starts, or take a nap. Although the nap might end badly if ants decide to make you a place to walk around on, same as if you try and have a picnic in the grass. All of this is fun as long as you're not allergic to grass, because then it just makes you all itchy.

Grass has a way of making things a little better. Whenever you sit down with friends in the grass, you probably end up playing with it and pulling it out of the ground. If you get a good thick piece of grass, you can whistle with it, maybe even scaring your dog with the high pitched noise. Grass is even just a good thing to see when you look out the window.(351)


Having allergies can be very annoying, and can sometimes interfere with what you are trying to do. They can come up in various ways; red, itchy eyes, always sneezing or having a runny nose, making it hard to breathe, causing hives and more.

Some people are allergic to certain kinds of food, plants, or dust. Depending on how bad the allergy is, some people just need to make sure to not come into direct contact with it, but other times even the presence of it causes people to have an allergic reaction.

When people have allergic reactions some just need to be away from the cause of it for a little while and it goes away, others carry around an epi pen in case of an emergency or need to be rushed to a hospital. When the reaction isn't bad though, they can just take some benadryl or a prescribed allergy medication.

Being allergic to common things can suck. I'm allergic to pollen, grass, cats and other various animals, flowers, oak trees, dust and other various things. Walking into the classroom for Computer Graphics makes my eyes water, and on the days in the spring the pollen count is high it makes it hard to run and breathe well, and right now as the insulation in my ceiling is being done, there is drywall dust everywhere, which makes it harder to breathe sometimes.

As long as people with allergies take medication for it, it isn't all that bad. It can get irritating, but it's just another part of your day. (264)

Monday, January 28, 2013

Women and Men in the Media

So in my previous post I talked of how people can't blame the media for everything. How people say all the time that it is solely the media's fault for women being pressured all the time, but there are a lot more things to it than that. Although all of this I believe to be true, the way the media works is a bit unsettling.

Women are definitely misrepresented in the media. They show mostly girls that are whiney and dramatic and beautiful beyond the ability of wearing sweatpants and no makeup and somehow still looking pretty good. They show women that are always wanting a man; wanting someone to cuddle with, or someone to 'save' them, or someone to buy them chocolates on Valentine's Day. Women are often times wearing a lot less clothing than the ones you see on the streets every day, and are sometimes shown as inferior to men and just plain stupid. Yes, okay, there are some girls out there that fall under some of these categories, but that doesn't make them a bad person. There are also a lot of girls out there though, that don't want a relationship, that don't wear makeup or even try to look good in the mornings, women who work hard and are smart and are respected. But sometimes even the most respected women are given less opportunities than a man that has an equal or maybe even less amount of respect given to them.

Male characters vary a little more than women characters though. Men can be all different; they can be smart strong and tough. They can be goofy and lovable. They can be fat and nasty. They can be creepy, collected, or classy. Women can be that way too, but it is shown in shows and movies a lot less than it is with men, and there are a lot less jokes about males' appearance than there are about their personalities, whereas jokes about women have more to do with the stereotypical thoughts of them.

The media, though, revolves around and changes due to how society changes and how it reacts to the things the media puts out there. If they get more money or more views for doing something, even if it's hated, then it will happen more, because they want more money and more views. It's how it works; people don't always see the repercussions, only the benefits. (403)

Monday, January 21, 2013

Women in the Media

So this week we started to watch a video and discuss the ways that women are misrepresented in the media. How the ways they are represented is causing women to feel insecure and hate themselves. How it is causing men to look for the "ideal" woman, and not "real" women.

The thing is, that yes. The media does all of that. But people can't blame the media for the repercussions.

Now I'm not saying I'm an expert on this subject, but I know that pressure sucks. You look around and you see other girls that are skinnier, thicker, stronger, smaller, prettier, shorter, taller and a million more adjectives, than you. You look at yourself in the mirror in the morning and the thought comes to mind, "God, I'm disgusting." And when someone comes up to you and gives you a compliment, you either believe it or you don't, depending on your mood.... usually its the latter. Although this may be true for many girls out there, that doesn't mean it is all the media's fault.

Ask any girl you know if she thinks she is pretty, and the answers may vary. Ask a girl if she has anything she would change about her appearance, there is probably something. Ask a boy these same questions (not pretty... handsome?) and it would probably have the same results. It isn't just girls that have these pressures to look good. It's true that it is more common for people to see it when a male is disrespectful towards a female than it is for a female to be disrespectful to a male, or even a female against another female. So yes, it may be true that a lot of guys out there are hoping for the "ideal" woman; the one with the big butt, amazing curves, pretty face, and great boobs to match. Honestly though, there are about the same amount of girls who have an idea in their mind of what the "ideal" guy is for them. Everyone's opinion might be different, but you're not going to be physically attracted to every person you meet.

Yes, the media definitely has amplified these thoughts and beliefs. But us humans look for what we want to see. You want to believe it's all the media's fault, so you see how the media displays it. The reality TV shows that show girls with all the same body type, the model shows that display them all as whiney and dramatic, and even the abundance of commercials that simply advertise their food by showing a hot girl seductively eating a giant sandwich. But all of these things happen because people like it, if they didn't, it wouldn't happen as often as it does. Boys like cat fights, and girls like watching drama unfold when they aren't a part of it.

People can't blame other things for their problems though. Yeah, there's a lot of pressure. Yeah, there is a lot of comparing. But if you don't let it get to you, then there would be none of that anyway. I'm not saying that people bring it upon themselves to feel a certain way day after day; I have fallen for these things many times. But I also know plenty of girls who function quite well, despite the fact everyone assumes every girl hates the way they look. Women may be misrepresented in the media, but if that's true so are a lot of other things, and that doesn't mean that every girl is like that. Or that every guy is like that. Or even that every sandwich looks like the way they do in the commercials. The media over exaggerates; that much is obvious. The reasons people are bullied or feel insecure include a lot more than just the media.(631)


Pride is something contained in all of us humans. Some have a lot of pride, others have barely any. But pride can be thought of in a lot of different ways; pride in something, pride for something, and pride in yourself.

Pride is important. It's always good to be able to say you are proud of something. Proud of maybe an action you did, or what someone else did and you're proud to call them a friend. You can have pride in your country, in your school, or in your team. Pride is much more than just a word I've now said a million times that seemingly has been said way too much and has lost it's meaning.

People that don't have a lot of pride are probably more willing to do things, either for others or something that might make them look like a fool. These people aren't too proud to apologize for something, and can own up to what they did. They probably are more able to say what they are truly thinking.

Some people have way too much pride. They don't want to do anything that people might look down on. They won't own up to what they said or did because they are too proud of their image. Not everyone is like this, but people with too much pride can be hard to deal with, even when they do have good intentions.

Being proud isn't always a bad thing, sometimes it is needed. It's when the pride gets in the way of something good that it can become a problem.(265)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Oppurtunities are Good: Take Them!!

One of my favorite quotes is by Dr. Suess, and it says, "Do what you want and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter won't mind." This quote can apply to a lot of things, one of those being that you shouldn't worry about what others think about your hobbies or what you like to do, or not being good enough; if you enjoy it, do it!!

Today I was talking to a friend who graduated high school in 2011. He made a joke about me being involved in a club, but after he was done laughing he got serious and said, "But it's good you're doing that. I didn't do anything in high school, and I wish I would have." I hear this all the time: I should have done this. I wanted to do that. And it all comes down to one thing: being too scared. You didn't try out for that play because you were scared you wouldn't make it. You didn't go out for a sport because you don't really like the other players, or maybe the coach. You didn't take a certain class because you were scared of what your peers would say. Make fun of me if you must, but I think High School Musical had it wrong when Sharpay sang, "Stick with the status quo!" Don't do it. Really.. just do what you want to do. Make that creme brulee if your heart desires, I don't care if you're a "dumb" basketball player.

A lot of people have decided not to do something because of one fear or another. Don't wait until its too late, and even if you don't do what you've wanted to until your in junior or senior year... well its better late than never!! Muster up all the courage you have, realize how much you want to do this certain thing, channel your passion and reach for the stars! It's an amazing feeling when you show someone what you can do and they are astonished, not knowing something about you. Now that I have used at least five cliches in this post people are going to think I'm a lunatic, but cliches are there for a reason! So Just Do It!!!(378)

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree

Do you ever have those moments when you stop and think, "Oh my god... I am exactly like my mom/dad" People have these moments all of the time, and when it happens, even if the trait isn't necessarily a bad thing, they usually mentally kick themselves.

There are a lot of reasons this happens: some argue biology, and others argue it is because of our experiences. It could be because it is just in our genes to do this certain thing; it has been passed down from a parent. Others say it is because you have grown up seeing it be done, and you've subconsciously learned to do it as well.

It is kind of funny the different things people will do that is exactly like their parents. Someone might declare silly sayings like "crimenitely" or "geeze louise!" when something surprising happens. Others always say "mmbye" when they are about to hang up the phone. I know one person who makes a certain face every time they are frustrated, just like their dad; the furrow of the eyebrows, the pursing of the lips, and small wrinkling of the nose all the same. I myself have a bad habit of repeating the same story to the same person over and over again just like my mother. I am always thinking whilst telling the story, "I feel like I've told this before, I hope I haven't told this before" yet still keep going, until my listener smirks and says, "Katy, that is the third time I have heard that story." ... Oops..

It is something that happens that most people dislike, and wish that didn't happen. No matter how hard you try though, it happens, and when it does you realize right away what you've done and hear someone point it out to you, just as you have pointed it out to your parent many times before.

The things people do that they know is like their parent they may hate now, but when they're older I'd imagine they like it. That it's almost like a part of their parent is still with them when they have gone away. (357)

Eating Healthier

Lately, especially since Michele Obama came to be first lady, everyone has been talking about eating healthier. Living in America, this can be hard to do. Go down any non-residential street and chances are you will see a variety in restaurants and fast food franchises. Some places are even open during times when you'd least expect; hungry for a midnight snack and craving chicken? Just drive over to your local Wendy's and get yourself some nuggets, as they're open until one AM.

This, dare I say it, new trend, is quite the big thing right now. Schools have changed their lunch menus to include a more balanced meal, and taken away desserts, or at least reducing the amount each student is able to buy a week. Go to a grocery store and you can now buy yogurt with protein, or orange juice with calcium. People have started to re-do things in order for others to start eating healthier, whether they like it or not.

In my opinion, yes it is important for people to live healthy lives. But in another perspective, people have always had the ability to eat healthy and exercise. People choose to eat what they do, and if they want to be fat... well, let them be fat. People just need more willpower to only eat the sweets a few times, rather than the green beans a few times a week.

I was recently talking to a friend who told me about a foreign exchange student who had complained to her that since she moved to America she has gained 10 pounds. That she said she needed to go on a diet... but that even going back to her country would be diet enough. We have so many foods that are unhealthy. In a lot of other countries, the abundance of natural foods they have and sell is a lot more than what we have. It is understandable why it's so hard to stay away from unhealthy food when almost everything around us is unhealthy and made to taste good. Just remember how good fruit and veggies taste, it will benefit you in the long run.(361)


Everyone's neighborhood is different; some are big and some small. Some are close enough to have potlucks and some barely make eye contact when they pass by each other. Whatever kind of neighborhood you live in, it is important to how you are raised and grow up.

Some neighborhoods aren't close. They all live and spend their time in their own respective houses, play in their own yards, and maybe smile when they see each other as they walk by. As they wave they may wonder what that guy's name is, and maybe wish they knew it a week later when they need just one cup of sugar. These kinds of neighborhoods are good for some people, who are more busy and would rather be left alone and do as they please.

Other neighborhoods are the opposite. They see their neighbor outside and go out of their way to go say hi, ask how they are, and how about the family? There might be one night a month or maybe even a week where the neighbors gather at one house and eat pizza together, joking around and asking the kid's how school is going.

In my neighborhood when I was young, it was almost like having three sets of parents. When we got together in the summer nights, the kids would go hunting for lightning bugs while the adults sat around a fire talking. It didn't matter who it was, if one of the kids did something wrong that needed to be  punished, one of the adults would yell, and it didn't matter if it was their kid or not. I spent many days in my brother's room with my neighbors playing on our gameboys and later, our nintendo DS.

After everyone started to grow up and grow apart, we are still physically close and keep in touch. It's nice to see Paul walk up to the hill behind our house to play with his airplanes, and talk to Harvey, the guy who quit smoking cold turkey a few years back, and who would do anything to help someone.

What you neighborhood was like growing up greatly affects you. Some people live in neighborhoods that mostly include older people, and are used to having people around all the time to look after you. Others live in an area with a lot of kids, and are used to always having someone around to play with. (404)

Saturday, January 12, 2013


Blankets are one thing that are terribly taken for granted of. They are amazing devices that can serve so many purposes. They can keep you warm and can be layered. They can can vary in so many ways. Blankets are awesome.

There are a lot of different kinds of blankets. There are comforters, sheets, baby blankets, big blankets, small blankets, picnic blankets, blankets that are water proof, thin blankets, thick blankets, rough blankets and soft ones. One of the best things about blankets is that they can have so many different designs. You can make blankets by getting two big pieces of fabric and tying off knots along the sides. You can quilt blankets out of shirts or you can quilt blankets with each square representing something important and relevant.

Blankets can also be used for many things. On cold nights it is best to layer your blankets and sleep in a mess of fabric and comfort. Of course it is always awkward when you wake up and realize you got hot during the night, because you're missing your socks and maybe more. Besides keeping warm though, blankets can also be used to make forts. It's so fun to find different items in a room to place blankets on or around to build rooms out of the blankets, and hang out inside of it. You can use blankets to hide when you're playing Hide-and-Seek too, as long as you make sure to breathe with your tummy and not your shoulders so you won't get caught as easily. Blankets can also be used as superhero capes when playing around, and as covers for your windows when you want it to be darker when the shades won't do it. Blankets can also be used as walls when you want to be separated from something else but are confined to one area.

Blankets are great, and they are used in so many ways and fashions. They can be fancy, decorative, or have a picture on them. There are even ways you can put your own chosen picture on a blanket and ordered online. Blankets are taken for granted daily, so appreciate them! (361)

Get Out There and Experience

I always thought it would be cool to be one of those people that traveled all the time. Realistically though, that costs a lot of money, time, and ambition. When you think about it though, don't you want to see more than just where you've always been?

It would be so interesting to be able to see how other people live their everyday lives. How in other areas they can wear shorts and a t-shirt year round, and in others a heavy jacket is the minimum for being outdoors. Some areas are more strict with how you act, and others not. Complaining about the traffic in my area would be a ridiculous thing to do for someone who grew up in a much bigger city.

In other countries, their basic culture ideas are completely different compared to the ones in ours. The things people do all the time in our country might be the weirdest thing ever to someone who lives somewhere else. The food in other countries are so different than ours, too. Eating out to an authentic ethnic restaurant doesn't mean you know what their food tastes like, you just know America's version of it.

I had a swim coach last year that came here from Australia, and she said that she sees kangaroos there like we see squirrels here. To us, kangaroos are such a crazy though, but to them they are just another animal around them all the time, maybe even annoying to a few.
If you had unlimited time and money what would you do? Go see how others see things, and understand a million more perspectives than what you do now. Spend a month in a different place spending your time exactly how they do; dress as they do, eat as they do, act as they do.(304)

Oh, The Old Days

Recently when I was cleaning my room out, I found my old CD holder. Inside I found treasure; Backstreet Boys, Bewitched soundtrack, a few Totally Hits, The Freaky Friday soundtrack, Disney's Greatest, Destiny's Child, NSYNC, and Now 1 all the way to Now 15. You can imagine how disappointed I was when I realized there was no longer a single CD player in my house. When I was younger, there was at least five.

It's weird to think about how much has changed. When I was younger I could sing along to almost every Black Eyed Peas song, and the most popular song Rihanna had was Pon De Replay. Boy Meets World, Hey Arnold, Pokemon, Full House and the Suite Life of Zach and Cody were what everyone watched. People got into fights about their Ferbies and their Tomagatchis, and everyone was jealous of the kid that had a million mini CD keychain things to put into that little fake CD player... anyone know what I'm talking about?

The other day my friend wore a green striped shirt and was told she looks like Steve. It took me a minute to realize they were talking about the guy from Blues Clues before (who is it? Joe?) another guy took over because Steve "went back to college" Everything is different now. Zach and Cody are on a boat, everyone knows Hannah is Miley, and Cookie Monster eats vegetables now.

Feeling nostalgic makes you just want to get a bunch of friends together, eat the snacks you used to, put some movies in the VCR, and spend the day feeling like a kid again. Sitting here, writing this blog, listening to the Fergie Station on Pandora... I miss the old days. When you think 5 years ago it doesn't sound like much, but when you think 2008 it sounds like forever. Now it's time for the future though, so make it good! (338)

Be Careful What You Wish For

Everyone has made a wish once in their life that later on when they look back on it they wonder, "What was I thinking?!" You think, man I'm really happy that didn't happen or, wow I'm not a realist. So think, what if when you woke up tomorrow all of your wishes had come true? The crazy ones, the wishful-thinking ones, the ridiculous and the sad. The ones you made when you were three, up to the one you made last night.

I know if every wish I made had come true, I would be a power ranger, rich, living in the south and have already become great friends with Ellen Degeneres. I'd also be able to read minds and have the ability to change the look, color, and length of my hair with simply a snap.

Yes, all of those wishes are a bit crazy, but they're the ones I could think of at the moment. Wishes come in so many ways. We wish when we find an eyelash, or see a shooting star, when 11:11 comes around and when we see a lamp, rub it, and hope for a genie to come out. The thought of being able to say the words, "I wish..." and make it so is an amazing thought, but that doesn't mean it will always happen.

You can wish all you want, but you have to do things to make your wish come true. Wishes can come true in so many ways, and you have to look out for them. When wishes come true it is an amazing feeling; the thing you have been wanting for so long is finally here! The work towards those things though, override the superstitions.

Some wishes are good to come true, and some aren't. No matter how badly I may have wanted it when I was younger, I think I'm happier now that I'm not the pink power ranger... Mostly because that show has gone so downhill from when I was six... But that's another subject.. And so it goes to show that if you wish for something and don't get it, don't be too upset, because there is a chance that something bigger and better is in store for you. (374)


Do you ever have those days where you just feel so stressed? That you just need to get out of your house? That everyone you talk to says something that upsets you? That you don't know what to do, and you think about just secluding yourself to your room and sleeping the rest of the day? These kind of days suck. They really do.

There are a lot of ways you can get out of this mood though, get back to feeling smiley again! Of course sleeping the rest of the day is one option, but not always preferable or possible. Then there is listening to music, or going out with friends, but sometimes that just doesn't help. So. I have a suggestion: Go to your local pet store and ask to hold a puppy. I swear you'll feel light hearted again about as long as it takes for the fluffy thing to turn around in your arms and lick your face. 

This is also fun to do when you have nothing to do and are bored. Just go look at some animals, and if the pet store you go to won't let you hold them unless you're willing to buy, then just watch them. They're cute and happy and interesting and it'll help you get out of the mood your stressful day put you in. I did this the other day and it just made everything better, here are some pictures:    :)

New Years Resolutions

So now that 2013 has begun, it is also the beginning of people having new goals and aspirations for the new year. For so many, this includes losing weight, exercising more and eating healthier. There are a lot of other kinds of resolutions too; to work harder, to get better grades, to be happier or nicer, and even to grow your hair out longer. All of these have a story behind them and all of the people making these resolutions are hopeful.

A lot goes into keeping up with your resolution though, and it takes a lot of self awareness and will power. For some people this comes easily; they tell themselves what they need to get done to achieve their goal and they do it. Simple right? But what happens when you get busy again, and its just easier to fall into old habits. Or what happens when you get bored or judged for your new years resolution? Or what about when someone offers to buy you a big delicious-looking brownie? These are the moments it all comes down to... How can you resist your temptations?

I was talking to one of my coworkers today who told me about her diet. She is allergic to dairy and gluten, so she tries to eat mostly vegetables, almonds, fruits, fish, and mostly very healthy foods. Although the consequences of eating the things that taste better are more than just guilt, she struggles sometimes, and even caved the night before by eating nachos, even though she knew that when she woke up the next morning shed be feeling stomach pains and fatigue.

It can be very hard to keep up with what you have set for yourself. It's best to try and remind yourself as much as you can what will happen if you keep going. You might lose weight, or find happiness, or become less stressed and more prepared. In the long run if you stay with your goals, only giving in a few times here and there, it will be much better. (343)

Thursday, January 10, 2013


There are a lot of people in this world that like to obsess over their form of transportation. It's as if the way you get from place to place holds some sort of pride, and even if you don't want to admit it, almost everyone is guilty of this.

One way this happens is when you're younger. Cars and vans are becoming more high-tech and the 'best' vans are the ones that have DVD players they can watch movies while on their way. But not just when your parents are driving you around, but also your bikes, scooters, or skateboards. People like to crowd around a person when they get a new shiny bike, especially when that person has graduated from braking with their feet to the new brakes that require the use of their hands.

After people grow up a little, they want to become more independent. People become embarrassed that their parents still have to drive them around, and cringe when their mom rolls up after school and yells out the window, "Honey! Come get in the car! How was your day?" But hey, at least they don't have to take the bus, right? But the lucky ones get picked up by someone else's parent, instead carpooling.

When middle school is over and high school rolls around is when people start getting their license. The first people to get their license are the ones that end up driving all the other ones around. Some like this, because they have more freedom. Others though, wish they could switch with the kid in their back seat, because the price of gas is no fun to pay.

There are some people though, that don't get their license in high school, or even their permit. They instead choose (or don't have a choice but) to remain dependent on whether their parent or a friend wants to take them somewhere, or on if they are feeling up for walking to that place.

When people grow up and have enough money to buy their own vehicle is when things get different from how it used to be. There are so many stereotypes for vehicles and their owners; the moms drive the minivans, and the rich people can get convertibles. Big guys like the trucks, badasses drive the motorcycles, and everyone loves to make fun of the guy that drives a Prius. Because of this, people want cars or vans or SUV's that suit them, their personality, and how well they can control a big or small vehicle. (425)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Timely Moods

It's interesting how it seems as though everyone has a specific time of day that they are in the best mood in. It's as if for some people it takes them a little longer to accept the fact they have to be up and moving, or for some people they lose their energy and motivation as the day goes on.

The first is the morning person. These people seem to be the most rare. These are the people that when they wake up in the morning and get ready for work, school, or some other activity, they are awake and ready. They are good to go and laugh it off when people give them that dirty why-are-you-so-happy-its-seven-AM look. But as the day goes on, some of these people lose their good mood depending on how their day went. All of their productivity occurs after they have woken up.

The next kind of person is an afternoon kind of person. These people find their productivity while the sun has switched over to that afternoon glow and they have already gotten through their morning and lunch. These are usually the people that say things like "Don't talk to me until I've had my morning coffee." and are the givers of the said why-are-you-so-happy look to the morning people.

After these two kinds of people, it is the night owl. These people like the thought of "party all night sleep all day" and work best after the moon has replaced the sun and the darkness has covered the blue skies. It is not unusual for these people to stay up until two in the morning because that is when they are most comfortable.

Of course these paragraphs above are all very extreme, and a lot people don't have a specific mood for the time of day; it just depends on what's going on around them. Some though, really only function well under the circumstances of what time it is, and what the people around them are doing at this time.(348)