Siblings can sometimes be the best things, or the worst. They can be someone to know what you're going through and be there for you, or someone who just drives you crazy. They can be there to play around and have fun with when you're at home, or they can be someone that is just in your way. They can be all of these, and are all of these, depending on the day.
Growing up, the majority of your time was spent at home with your family. They are the people that know you well, and are usually able to predict your actions when a situation rises. They are the people you might be really uncomfortable around, or the people that you can be completely yourself around. You might fight with them sometimes, but they are the people you go to when no one else is there.
Older siblings are the ones who teach you a lot. They have experienced more than you have, and can warn you about certain things in school, at home, or just in life. You might look up to them, or just look at them with respect. When you're younger and you get into fights, people will tell you, "you know, you're going to miss them once they move out". Nooo, you think, it'll be different. But then the older you get the closer you may become, and when that person you used to see everyday moves out, and you only see them maybe once every few weeks, you finally understand what those people were talking about.
Younger siblings can be very annoying. They are always stealing your stuff or violating your space. They probably are what cause the fights from your perspective, but no matter what, they are the ones you feel most protective of. No one is able to make fun of them or bully them except you, right? And when they are feeling down or are in a good mood, they're the ones you can have a lot of fun with and know just how to cheer them up. You teach them a lot even when you don't realize it, and even if they don't always show it, they appreciate you.
Siblings are great to have. Even on the days that they seem to just drive you up the wall, its good to at least have someone there that has seen what you've seen and understands who you are. If you had the choice of being an only child or having eight siblings which would you choose? I know I'd choose the eight, all the way.(435)
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