The hallways in Kennedy are crazy. You need a strategy to get through it when it gets really bad, and if you don't, you'll end up getting carried and pushed along the crowd into a place you didn't intend to go. But if you try to hard to push away from the crowd, you can get dirty looks, a few choice words, and even a slap on the head (has happened to me twice now).
Some people use the buddy system. Grab someone and push. Eventually you'll make it through. If you have a friend that is bigger than you and willing, you could even grab onto the back of their backpack and let them lead you to where you need to go, with them getting most of the shoving.
Others are just aggressive. They are bigger, therefore can push harder, and aren't afraid to be pushed back, as it wont do much to dwindle their pursuit. These are the kind of people that part hallways, simply by walking with their elbows out and with the kind of confidence people see right away and don't want to mess with.
Then there are the small people. These people might sometimes get pushed around, but if they're agile enough, they can just jump around people and avoid a crash. People are also a little less likely to push around the small petite one.
People might try to wait a little bit for the crowd to pass and get into their respective classes to venture out into the
Freshmen at the beginning of the school year are always easy to point out, as it surprises them how many people there are in such a small space, even when they have been warned and given tips by upper classmen. It can be scary, walking in the doors to a huge crowd of bustling obnoxious teenagers. Staring at the top of the stairs, your home base and safe spot, knowing the only way to get there is to get through the crowd. Like playing the game of frogger; obstacles to cross, don't run into something and don't fall, just get to the other side. As long as you don't panic and go for it, it gets easier.
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