Monday, February 18, 2013


Having allergies can be very annoying, and can sometimes interfere with what you are trying to do. They can come up in various ways; red, itchy eyes, always sneezing or having a runny nose, making it hard to breathe, causing hives and more.

Some people are allergic to certain kinds of food, plants, or dust. Depending on how bad the allergy is, some people just need to make sure to not come into direct contact with it, but other times even the presence of it causes people to have an allergic reaction.

When people have allergic reactions some just need to be away from the cause of it for a little while and it goes away, others carry around an epi pen in case of an emergency or need to be rushed to a hospital. When the reaction isn't bad though, they can just take some benadryl or a prescribed allergy medication.

Being allergic to common things can suck. I'm allergic to pollen, grass, cats and other various animals, flowers, oak trees, dust and other various things. Walking into the classroom for Computer Graphics makes my eyes water, and on the days in the spring the pollen count is high it makes it hard to run and breathe well, and right now as the insulation in my ceiling is being done, there is drywall dust everywhere, which makes it harder to breathe sometimes.

As long as people with allergies take medication for it, it isn't all that bad. It can get irritating, but it's just another part of your day. (264)

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