Monday, May 6, 2013

Save the Planet!

Back when the flood hit Cedar Rapids in 2008, I knew a few people who didn't try at all to use the least amount of water they could. They went on with their daily routine and did nothing to help anyone. Their thought was that they are only 1 person or so, and that it wouldn't make a difference in the big scheme of things. If more people thought that though, as I'm sure more people did, it would make a big difference. So why not just do your part? This applies to a lot of things.

There are so many ways you can help save energy and better your environment. You could turn a light off when you're not in a room, unplug things when you don't need them to be plugged in, turn the water off when you don't need it and recycle whatever you can. It may seem like it doesn't do a lot at all, but all of these simple actions can make a big difference.

If you really think about it, we are using a lot more natural resources than we used to, and that number increases as the population does. Years and years from now we could run out, crazy and impossible as that sounds. Even if it might not happen in your lifetime, why not help your future great great great great (x20) grandkids?

Walk down any street or to the nearest creek and chances are you will find trash on the ground. This can damage the animals that live around these areas and eventually, with those animals possibly contaminated, could damage us too. If you're not going to do it for others, remember how all of it can affect you too. Go out and pick up trash one day instead of staying inside. If you go with some friends, it can be really fun and at the same time helpful to everyone. (320)

1 comment:

  1. I believe that the effort of a person can make a huge difference in the big scheme of things. I leave my car at home to ride my bicycle and I drink tap water, not bottled
