Monday, January 21, 2013


Pride is something contained in all of us humans. Some have a lot of pride, others have barely any. But pride can be thought of in a lot of different ways; pride in something, pride for something, and pride in yourself.

Pride is important. It's always good to be able to say you are proud of something. Proud of maybe an action you did, or what someone else did and you're proud to call them a friend. You can have pride in your country, in your school, or in your team. Pride is much more than just a word I've now said a million times that seemingly has been said way too much and has lost it's meaning.

People that don't have a lot of pride are probably more willing to do things, either for others or something that might make them look like a fool. These people aren't too proud to apologize for something, and can own up to what they did. They probably are more able to say what they are truly thinking.

Some people have way too much pride. They don't want to do anything that people might look down on. They won't own up to what they said or did because they are too proud of their image. Not everyone is like this, but people with too much pride can be hard to deal with, even when they do have good intentions.

Being proud isn't always a bad thing, sometimes it is needed. It's when the pride gets in the way of something good that it can become a problem.(265)

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