Grass. Grass is amazing. It's like Earth's hair. It can be brownish or light green or a bright vibrant green. Some people don't mow their lawn a lot and their grass is long and soft, while others take great care in keeping their yard look good; even making sure to take out all of the weeds within it and put stuff in it when spring begins so it is the best kind of green on the street.
Grass is a lot better to play sports in than on the cement, because if you fall it won't hurt as badly and, depending on what's on your feet, easier to run in. You can do cartwheels without skinning your hands, you can roll down the hills without worrying about hitting a hard spot, and you can lay down without it hurting.
Grass also holds a lot of surprises. Underneath is dirt, in which you can plant flowers or trees and is a home to a lot of insects or small animals. I've found a few praying mantises in my day, and there are plenty of crickets around to create a soothing sound for summer nights.
Grass feels good to go barefoot, and feel under your feet. It's also fun to lay in, whether it be to watch the clouds, the starts, or take a nap. Although the nap might end badly if ants decide to make you a place to walk around on, same as if you try and have a picnic in the grass. All of this is fun as long as you're not allergic to grass, because then it just makes you all itchy.
Grass has a way of making things a little better. Whenever you sit down with friends in the grass, you probably end up playing with it and pulling it out of the ground. If you get a good thick piece of grass, you can whistle with it, maybe even scaring your dog with the high pitched noise. Grass is even just a good thing to see when you look out the window.(351)
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