Finally it is beginning to look and feel like spring! The sun is warmer and the wind is lessening and although there's a lot of cold rain, at least it isn't snow, and I am so excited. Spring is my favorite season because everything is so bright and new after the snow and gray colors covered it for so long. I live near a park with a big pond, and for the first time this year I saw ducks chilling in my front yard, something that is almost a daily occurrence in the summer... I squealed a little.
The problem is living in the Midwest can be a little bit frustrating. It can go from one day being sunny and hot to the next day having snow on the ground. So far it has been rainy but it's supposed to get better soon, starting with the 70 degree weather that is predicted for this Saturday. After that, we are all hoping that it stays warm. This is especially true because a week from today it will be May. We all know April showers bring May flowers, and considering all the showers we've gotten, we better be getting a lot of flowers.
Now that the weather is getting better, people are able to do so much more than they were before. Going outside and playing sports or just going on a run, taking a pet on a walk, and driving with the windows down are some of the best things about it all. Even watching it can make you happy, like when you drive down a road and see a bunch of kids playing outside, causing the most audible of "aww"s.
People have gotten so excited for this new season that many have already started wearing shorts, despite the 30-40 degree weather. All of the excitement makes it harder to concentrate on getting homework done, because everyone just wants it all over so that summer can come and school will be over until the next year. Even though everyone is having a bit of difficulty with it, they seem to already be in such a better mood.(356)
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