Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Remember in elementary school there would always be that one quiet kid that the teacher would yell at? Not because they interrupted, or were being chatty, but because they weren't paying any attention to the words on the board, but the words in the book on their desk in front of them? Yeah, that was me.

When I was younger I went to the library almost every week with my mom and go straight to where my favorite section of books were. I even got the point where I got frustrated, because when you're a kid with a limited reading section, you run out of books in the library that you haven't read. So many of the toys and ice cream trips I got came from those summer reading programs I did with the other kids my mom babysat. I don't own a ton of books though, I always found it pointless to buy when you could just borrow, so even though I loved them I never would ask for books for my birthday.

In the past few years, I lost my love for reading. I think I've maybe read about 3 books in the past two years (besides the required), something that I would have done in about a month in middle school. Recently though, I decided to start reading more again, and I have this rule that no matter how hard it gets, you don't just put down a book without finishing it. You always have to give it another chance to amaze you with it's stories.

Some of the best books when I was younger was all of the Series of Unfortunate Events (that movie was terrible), Inkheart series, the Percy Jackson series, and a series about kids that were hidden in their houses (I can't remember the title). I do own a few of these, and I still read them from time to time, and still love them.

Books can be so consuming, and it is amazing how many different story lines people can think of. It is a crazy feeling when you are so engrossed in a book  you feel like a part of the story, and when you go back to reality everything seems off for a minute before you realize where you are and what's really going on. Read more, learn more, and you'll hear and see things you wouldn't have otherwise. (399)

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