So this year is the year of the election for the new president of the United States. Don’t get me wrong, of course I am thankful for my country and for who has, for lack of a better word, ‘ruled’ it. I am glad I am lucky enough to have been born into it and everything, but I feel people can sometimes get way caught up into politics.
Maybe I am biased because growing up my dad always tried to get me to watch debates with him and I got sick of it pretty fast, but I just don’t understand why it is such a big deal. Well, no, I mean of course it’s a big deal but there would be so much less controversy if people just agreed to disagree about a few things. Some things are definitely worth fighting for, and I have respect for the people that do fight for it because it is important. Some things though are just unnecessary. I mean the whole point of the Constitution and winning our independence was for our freedom. We are America, we have freedom. So why then, are people fighting people’s rights?
We in America make a point not to discriminate against religion; we let you believe what you want to believe, as long as it is not harmful to other human beings or animals. If this is true, then why do some argue that gay marriage should be against the law because God said man should marry woman? You can’t fight with a religious argument and not expect people to disagree. It isn’t fair.
Now some people argue for reasons beyond religious aspects of their beliefs and values, and that makes sense. But if you are arguing against something just because “it doesn’t feel right” or “what would my friends think?” it isn’t your place to argue. If things like that are not directly harming or bothering you, you have no right to impose your opinion.
Some of you readers may disagree with me on this subject. I understand that some people fight with their friends over politics just because it is fun or because they want their opinion voiced and that’s fine, go ahead. I just cannot stand when people try and change other people’s values; it’s their own opinion, leave them to their right to think what they want to. If you don’t agree with someone, there really isn’t much you can do about it as most people are pretty stubborn. I apologize if this is sort of ranting, or if it angers any of you, but this is what I believe. (437)
I agree! I am so sick of people thinking that by shoving their beliefs down someone's throat, it will change that person, it doesn't work like that!