Sunday, September 9, 2012

A True Sense of Belonging

Personally, I tend to pride myself on being independent. Having a job and earning my own money, having a car and driving myself and others to wherever is needed for me and those others to go, and  being fine with finding ways to stay busy even while alone. Having this mindset can become difficult though, and although I do my best to maintain it, I’m only human, and so it can only go so far. My friends are the ones who keep me grounded, and are always there for me when I lose track of where I am and what is really needed.
This past weekend, I have fully realized just how lucky I am. I also realized never to leave my house barefoot and with no keys assuming my brother would stay home for the night. I was locked out and stressed. My friends helped me through it though; one gave me a ride home, another insisted I wear his shoes, even if they were bigger, to the point where my toes touched wear the balls of his feet would be. One even waited outside with me until my mom finally came home to let me in.
The next day proved even worse. As I was driving around with some of my friends, my car started smoking and leaking some sort of yellow substance. We had no idea what was wrong or if it was still save enough to drive, and there were some other girls waiting at another friend’s house for us to come back. Just as last time, I was stressed, and it was cold outside. I texted someone what was wrong and without me even having to ask three friends showed up at my car to help. The girls at the other house came and joined us as we all huddled around my car. One made sure I was warm enough by sharing her sweatshirt, and I mean sharing; we both were inside one big sweatshirt and weird as it may sound, it was very comfortable. The three friends that had come to rescue us offered to even take my car back to my place, telling me I should go have fun with the girls. That one of them would be sure to take me to work in the morning as my car definitely was not safe enough to drive. That another would come by the house to make sure he was awake to take me.
The friends I have now I can honestly say are amazing people. It may seem we are too close sometimes, or that we may get into fights at times, but we are all always here for each other if one needs it. They are the people I feel most comfortable and content around, the people that sometimes I think may know me better than I even know myself. Even though I like to pride myself on being so independent, I don’t know what I would do without my friends. Forever thanks. (501)


  1. I feel so special being mentioned as the sweatshirt buddy. Next time I will cut the neck whole to make it marger.

  2. Awwhhhh this was adorable! I'm glad that you are my friend! :) Love you!
