Sunday, October 7, 2012


                Winter is a season that like fall, can sometimes seem to be magical. Winter is a great season for many reasons that can be argued whether they are good or bad; snow is on the ground, the temperature is low, and everything seems so bright white.
                The snow is what I think makes the cold temperature all worth it. One of the best things to do in the winter months is go sledding. It can be fun trying new things while sledding and getting that feeling of excitement as you slide down a hill. There’s also snowboarding and skiing, which I’ve heard can be very fun too. It’s always a great feeling to come inside after a long time of sledding to drink hot chocolate and snuggle up under a warm blanket with friends or family. Winter temperature gives you an excuse to eat a lot of soup too. Soup is delicious and will warm you up fast.
                A bad thing about winter is the ice. It can be very dangerous for everyone, especially while driving. Things get slippery and cars may crash or people may simply slip and fall while walking. Now sometimes this is very entertaining to watch when it’s your friends, but only if they don’t get hurt too badly. It also becomes a nuisance when you want to go somewhere, but instead of just taking a walk there like you usually would, you usually drive. One of the worst things is when you get all of your stuff on to go outside like gloves, a hat, a coat, boots, and a scarf, only to realize that you have to pee.
                Another big thing that annoys a lot of people is shoveling. It sucks to wake up in the morning to look out at the beautiful snow on the ground and feel content, and then realizing that the only way you are going to be able to leave your house is if you shovel. There are also laws that you must shovel a path for your mailman to walk through, and if you have elderly neighbors, you also have the responsibility of shoveling their driveways too. The temperatures also can be bad for your car and especially if you have an old one, it can hinder its working abilities.
                Ending on a good note though, Winter holds many holidays. It is fun to drive around at night and be able to see all of the houses that have put up lights in the yard and on their trees. It also is interesting to see all of the snowmen people create, and of course it can be fun to make a snow figure yourself. (447)