Sunday, October 7, 2012


                I know I said in an earlier post that I don’t have a favorite season, but I decided to write a follow up blog post on each season and its pros and cons. First I will talk about the season we are currently in, which is Fall. Fall can seem magical, with its browns and auburns and oranges as the leaves are falling and the weather turns chilly. Fall has an effect on people that puts a warm fuzzy feeling inside their tummy.
                One great thing about fall is the food it brings. The things you can do with pumpkins, apples, brown sugar and more are seemingly endless. Pumpkin bars, apple pies, warm drinks and the beginnings of wearing warm clothing are just as inviting as the thought of cuddling up and sitting by a fire or watching movies while drinking hot chocolate. The weather changes from a hot temperature to one much cooler, and football season excites a lot of people. These things are what make Fall such a great season.
                Another big thing about Fall is the holiday it contains; Halloween. Halloween can be so fun, whether you go trick-or-treating, go to a haunted house, or even just stay home and help pass out candy to the kids that come to your house. It can be interesting to see all of the costumes, and the funny ones some people can think of when they are being creative.
Although for many people, fall is a favorite, a lot of people dislike Fall. Fall indicates the transition from summer, warm weather and shorts to winter, cold weather, and layers. A lot of people also the shock of one day it being a nice medium outside, the next day it being cold enough to need a coat and some gloves.
The need to mow the lawn is lessened, there is a new need; raking. There are those who love raking; it doesn’t involve too much physical labor and it is always entertaining to jump into a big pile of leaves after raking, even if it means having to rake again. Others though hate raking, hate having to be outside to comb the grass of its leaves, and hate getting cold fingers from holding the rake. Raking can also be a time- consuming task depending on the number of leaves there are in the yard, how windy it is, and how many leaves are still falling. One of the most frustrating things is raking up a big pile of leaves and feeling that sense of pride as you look down at your big pile when a huge gust of wind comes from nowhere and ruins it all as the leaves fly and spread across the yard again. Although it has its pros and cons, fall is overall a good season to be in. (472)

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