Monday, October 15, 2012


                 Stories are all different. The relevance of stories varies significantly. Some stories are true, some nonfiction, and some are a little of both. Some stories make a lot of sense, and some are very hard to decipher with a lot of underlying meanings and facts. Stories are told by everyone, whether you would necessarily call them “stories” or not. Stories can be short, like what you saw when you looked out the window this morning, or stories can be long, which require time and a lot of background information.
                One type of story is nonfiction. There are many different things that branch off of this category, one being books. Nonfiction books often times have the reputation of either being boring, or interesting depending on the way you look at it. Some automatically just assume that because a book is nonfiction, it will be full of facts and other unimportant things. Although this is sometimes true, narrative nonfiction books can be very interesting. It is different to know in the back of your mind that what you are reading actually happened, and that it isn’t just something someone made up. Movies are another thing that change when it is known that what you are about to see is true. Heartfelt movies can become that much more emotional and scary movies become a bit scarier when you see the words “Based off a true story.”
                Another type of nonfiction is by word. People tell these stories all the time, and they can be sad like when you had to say goodbye to a dear relative or friend, or they can be funny like the time you fell down a few stairs. Stories can also be inspirational, like when people tell of a hardship they had to go through, giving you hope and motivation to get through something you may be going through.
                The other kind of story is fiction. Fiction books and movies can be very interesting because they are open to an infinite amount of plots and characters that all are different from the perspectives of others. Fiction can also be stories told by others, like rumors or sometimes gossip.  Stories are very important for learning and they can be influential. Stories can make you feel sympathy, or cheer you up depending on the story told. No matter what kind of story it is, it always has a purpose, whether it be to explain something, or simply because you just want it to be heard. (414)

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