Words and actions. They are completely different things. Some people are all talk and no walk. Others do what they say, others do the opposite. Some people argue that words have bigger impact, others say action, either way you see it, they both do a lot.
Starting with words. People say a lot, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me". There are very few people out there though, that actually live up to this saying. No matter how hard you try, the things people say do affect you and your mood. When people give you compliments, you feel good. When people insult you, you feel bad. If you let it bring you down or up is a completely different story, but the words said to and about you do affect you.
It would be amazing to not care at all what people thought of you, but if everyone did that, so many things in this world just wouldn't really exist, or be as advanced as they are right now. People like to be liked, its a natural part of our human wants and needs. This is why mean jokes can be so highly offensive, and why, for example, if you wear a shirt or your hair a certain way and someone makes a comment on it, there is a high chance it will change how often you wear it.
Actions are different. People sometimes say, "Words don't mean anything if your actions don't reflect them". In a lot of ways this is true; if someone tells you they care for instance, but are always ditching you, their words will start to lose meaning. If someone tells you they don't like you, but are constantly trying to get your attention... well why else would they want your attention, right? Giving an excuse for your actions doesn't work after it's been used enough times, and people aren't going to believe your words after a while.
It is also true though, that sometimes people's actions don't always correspond with how they feel. There are a lot of reasons why people do the things they do, and sometimes people aren't genuine, but that isn't always a bad thing. Good intentions is what matters the most.
Words and actions are a big part of human communication and relationships. They both would mean nothing without the other, and mean everything to people.(406)
Monday, February 18, 2013
Siblings can sometimes be the best things, or the worst. They can be someone to know what you're going through and be there for you, or someone who just drives you crazy. They can be there to play around and have fun with when you're at home, or they can be someone that is just in your way. They can be all of these, and are all of these, depending on the day.
Growing up, the majority of your time was spent at home with your family. They are the people that know you well, and are usually able to predict your actions when a situation rises. They are the people you might be really uncomfortable around, or the people that you can be completely yourself around. You might fight with them sometimes, but they are the people you go to when no one else is there.
Older siblings are the ones who teach you a lot. They have experienced more than you have, and can warn you about certain things in school, at home, or just in life. You might look up to them, or just look at them with respect. When you're younger and you get into fights, people will tell you, "you know, you're going to miss them once they move out". Nooo, you think, it'll be different. But then the older you get the closer you may become, and when that person you used to see everyday moves out, and you only see them maybe once every few weeks, you finally understand what those people were talking about.
Younger siblings can be very annoying. They are always stealing your stuff or violating your space. They probably are what cause the fights from your perspective, but no matter what, they are the ones you feel most protective of. No one is able to make fun of them or bully them except you, right? And when they are feeling down or are in a good mood, they're the ones you can have a lot of fun with and know just how to cheer them up. You teach them a lot even when you don't realize it, and even if they don't always show it, they appreciate you.
Siblings are great to have. Even on the days that they seem to just drive you up the wall, its good to at least have someone there that has seen what you've seen and understands who you are. If you had the choice of being an only child or having eight siblings which would you choose? I know I'd choose the eight, all the way.(435)
Growing up, the majority of your time was spent at home with your family. They are the people that know you well, and are usually able to predict your actions when a situation rises. They are the people you might be really uncomfortable around, or the people that you can be completely yourself around. You might fight with them sometimes, but they are the people you go to when no one else is there.
Older siblings are the ones who teach you a lot. They have experienced more than you have, and can warn you about certain things in school, at home, or just in life. You might look up to them, or just look at them with respect. When you're younger and you get into fights, people will tell you, "you know, you're going to miss them once they move out". Nooo, you think, it'll be different. But then the older you get the closer you may become, and when that person you used to see everyday moves out, and you only see them maybe once every few weeks, you finally understand what those people were talking about.
Younger siblings can be very annoying. They are always stealing your stuff or violating your space. They probably are what cause the fights from your perspective, but no matter what, they are the ones you feel most protective of. No one is able to make fun of them or bully them except you, right? And when they are feeling down or are in a good mood, they're the ones you can have a lot of fun with and know just how to cheer them up. You teach them a lot even when you don't realize it, and even if they don't always show it, they appreciate you.
Siblings are great to have. Even on the days that they seem to just drive you up the wall, its good to at least have someone there that has seen what you've seen and understands who you are. If you had the choice of being an only child or having eight siblings which would you choose? I know I'd choose the eight, all the way.(435)
Little Dogs or Big Dogs?
Not everyone is a dog person, but the people that are usually have a preference; small dogs or big dogs. They both are great of course, they're dogs, and all dogs are great. There are different reasons as to why they are great though, and sometimes people go for neither, and have medium dogs, which can be great too.
Big dogs are fun to be around, they can make you feel safe and make a great pillow. They're always so loyal, and usually pretty smart. They can make great horses for small kids and, like most dogs, typically love a good game of fetch. Sometimes though, they don't know just how big they are. When I was little I was once at a friends house who had a huge dog, and when he wagged his tail to say hello, it smacked me so hard I fell into their grandfather clock. They also might run into and hurt kids or other small animals. If they get really excited when you take them on a walk and aren't trained to heel, they might end up walking you instead.
Small dogs are also fun to be around, and you can pick them up easily as they are so light. They are usually playful, but you have to be more careful with them. They sometimes think they are bigger than they are, and might try and look tough and bark at the mailman, but won't be taken seriously by most people. They are easy to cuddle with and hold in your arms, and might be more kid friendly because biting aside, its nearly impossible for little dogs to harm a child.
If both these sound good, there are also medium dogs. They can also be picked up, just maybe not as easily. They can be loyal and good to go on runs with. They aren't too big to be around little kids, but aren't small enough to fit into a purse if you're one who likes to do so.
No matter what kind of dog you get, they will be amazing pets. With good training and a lot of love, these animals will be there for you no matter what. Dogs are great, no matter what size.(376)
Big dogs are fun to be around, they can make you feel safe and make a great pillow. They're always so loyal, and usually pretty smart. They can make great horses for small kids and, like most dogs, typically love a good game of fetch. Sometimes though, they don't know just how big they are. When I was little I was once at a friends house who had a huge dog, and when he wagged his tail to say hello, it smacked me so hard I fell into their grandfather clock. They also might run into and hurt kids or other small animals. If they get really excited when you take them on a walk and aren't trained to heel, they might end up walking you instead.
Small dogs are also fun to be around, and you can pick them up easily as they are so light. They are usually playful, but you have to be more careful with them. They sometimes think they are bigger than they are, and might try and look tough and bark at the mailman, but won't be taken seriously by most people. They are easy to cuddle with and hold in your arms, and might be more kid friendly because biting aside, its nearly impossible for little dogs to harm a child.
If both these sound good, there are also medium dogs. They can also be picked up, just maybe not as easily. They can be loyal and good to go on runs with. They aren't too big to be around little kids, but aren't small enough to fit into a purse if you're one who likes to do so.
No matter what kind of dog you get, they will be amazing pets. With good training and a lot of love, these animals will be there for you no matter what. Dogs are great, no matter what size.(376)
What would life be like without mirrors? Very, very different. Of course there are different ways people would be able to look at themselves; puddles like in the movie Tarzan, or in glass windows. But without mirrors, would people have less motivation to look at themselves all the time?
When people get ready in the mornings they look in the mirror to do their makeup, or to check their clothes or teeth. Whenever people walk by a reflective surface they have a tendency to look over just to see themselves as they're walking, just to make sure. Typically girls (although a lot of guys do it too) will go into the bathroom, do their business, and then look in the mirror as they are washing their hands to make sure they look okay, and fix whatever they deem not good enough.
Once at school people taped a poster covering the mirror saying things like, "You are beautiful". They did this to encourage people to, for at least that day, not look in the mirror, not check their appearance, and just go about their day not worrying about how good or bad they looked. It didn't work though, and people tore off the poster, or at least enough of it to be able to look at themselves in the mirror. They thought the poster was stupid, and that they should have the freedom to look at themselves in the mirror when they want to.
Would people worry less about what they looked like if there were no mirrors? Would people be judged less? Or more? Would they be judged more so on their actions and personality rather than what they are wearing or what their hair looks like? What would advertisements be like? These questions are hard to answer, as appearances are a huge part of society and our everyday lives.(313)
When people get ready in the mornings they look in the mirror to do their makeup, or to check their clothes or teeth. Whenever people walk by a reflective surface they have a tendency to look over just to see themselves as they're walking, just to make sure. Typically girls (although a lot of guys do it too) will go into the bathroom, do their business, and then look in the mirror as they are washing their hands to make sure they look okay, and fix whatever they deem not good enough.
Once at school people taped a poster covering the mirror saying things like, "You are beautiful". They did this to encourage people to, for at least that day, not look in the mirror, not check their appearance, and just go about their day not worrying about how good or bad they looked. It didn't work though, and people tore off the poster, or at least enough of it to be able to look at themselves in the mirror. They thought the poster was stupid, and that they should have the freedom to look at themselves in the mirror when they want to.
Would people worry less about what they looked like if there were no mirrors? Would people be judged less? Or more? Would they be judged more so on their actions and personality rather than what they are wearing or what their hair looks like? What would advertisements be like? These questions are hard to answer, as appearances are a huge part of society and our everyday lives.(313)
Grass. Grass is amazing. It's like Earth's hair. It can be brownish or light green or a bright vibrant green. Some people don't mow their lawn a lot and their grass is long and soft, while others take great care in keeping their yard look good; even making sure to take out all of the weeds within it and put stuff in it when spring begins so it is the best kind of green on the street.
Grass is a lot better to play sports in than on the cement, because if you fall it won't hurt as badly and, depending on what's on your feet, easier to run in. You can do cartwheels without skinning your hands, you can roll down the hills without worrying about hitting a hard spot, and you can lay down without it hurting.
Grass also holds a lot of surprises. Underneath is dirt, in which you can plant flowers or trees and is a home to a lot of insects or small animals. I've found a few praying mantises in my day, and there are plenty of crickets around to create a soothing sound for summer nights.
Grass feels good to go barefoot, and feel under your feet. It's also fun to lay in, whether it be to watch the clouds, the starts, or take a nap. Although the nap might end badly if ants decide to make you a place to walk around on, same as if you try and have a picnic in the grass. All of this is fun as long as you're not allergic to grass, because then it just makes you all itchy.
Grass has a way of making things a little better. Whenever you sit down with friends in the grass, you probably end up playing with it and pulling it out of the ground. If you get a good thick piece of grass, you can whistle with it, maybe even scaring your dog with the high pitched noise. Grass is even just a good thing to see when you look out the window.(351)
Grass is a lot better to play sports in than on the cement, because if you fall it won't hurt as badly and, depending on what's on your feet, easier to run in. You can do cartwheels without skinning your hands, you can roll down the hills without worrying about hitting a hard spot, and you can lay down without it hurting.
Grass also holds a lot of surprises. Underneath is dirt, in which you can plant flowers or trees and is a home to a lot of insects or small animals. I've found a few praying mantises in my day, and there are plenty of crickets around to create a soothing sound for summer nights.
Grass feels good to go barefoot, and feel under your feet. It's also fun to lay in, whether it be to watch the clouds, the starts, or take a nap. Although the nap might end badly if ants decide to make you a place to walk around on, same as if you try and have a picnic in the grass. All of this is fun as long as you're not allergic to grass, because then it just makes you all itchy.
Grass has a way of making things a little better. Whenever you sit down with friends in the grass, you probably end up playing with it and pulling it out of the ground. If you get a good thick piece of grass, you can whistle with it, maybe even scaring your dog with the high pitched noise. Grass is even just a good thing to see when you look out the window.(351)
Having allergies can be very annoying, and can sometimes interfere with what you are trying to do. They can come up in various ways; red, itchy eyes, always sneezing or having a runny nose, making it hard to breathe, causing hives and more.
Some people are allergic to certain kinds of food, plants, or dust. Depending on how bad the allergy is, some people just need to make sure to not come into direct contact with it, but other times even the presence of it causes people to have an allergic reaction.
When people have allergic reactions some just need to be away from the cause of it for a little while and it goes away, others carry around an epi pen in case of an emergency or need to be rushed to a hospital. When the reaction isn't bad though, they can just take some benadryl or a prescribed allergy medication.
Being allergic to common things can suck. I'm allergic to pollen, grass, cats and other various animals, flowers, oak trees, dust and other various things. Walking into the classroom for Computer Graphics makes my eyes water, and on the days in the spring the pollen count is high it makes it hard to run and breathe well, and right now as the insulation in my ceiling is being done, there is drywall dust everywhere, which makes it harder to breathe sometimes.
As long as people with allergies take medication for it, it isn't all that bad. It can get irritating, but it's just another part of your day. (264)
Some people are allergic to certain kinds of food, plants, or dust. Depending on how bad the allergy is, some people just need to make sure to not come into direct contact with it, but other times even the presence of it causes people to have an allergic reaction.
When people have allergic reactions some just need to be away from the cause of it for a little while and it goes away, others carry around an epi pen in case of an emergency or need to be rushed to a hospital. When the reaction isn't bad though, they can just take some benadryl or a prescribed allergy medication.
Being allergic to common things can suck. I'm allergic to pollen, grass, cats and other various animals, flowers, oak trees, dust and other various things. Walking into the classroom for Computer Graphics makes my eyes water, and on the days in the spring the pollen count is high it makes it hard to run and breathe well, and right now as the insulation in my ceiling is being done, there is drywall dust everywhere, which makes it harder to breathe sometimes.
As long as people with allergies take medication for it, it isn't all that bad. It can get irritating, but it's just another part of your day. (264)
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