Thursday, December 13, 2012

What is the True Meaning?

So begins the holiday season. Now is when everything seems to transform into a blur of presents, cookies, warm smells and cold weather. Everyone is busy trying to plan for holiday parties, for what they will buy their friends and family, and even what shapes of cookies they want to make. But what are holidays really about

The parties of July 4th are to celebrate American's freedom. Valentines day is about showing someone you love them. Thanksgiving is about giving thanks for the things you would normally take for granted. Some people really get into all that; they celebrate what the holiday really is by praying, or planning something special, or sitting around a table while each person takes their turn saying what they are thankful for.

Although some people really do all that, some people just find holidays to be an annoyance. They are something you have to take away from your normal routine to do, to pay for, and to attend to.I thought it was a little funny all of the times I saw people write on the internet something like "It's ironic how we would spend a dinner for giving thanks only to spend the next morning beating up on each other for something materialistic," referring to the tradition of Black Friday. Well, that's America for you.

Growing up, whenever Father's Day or Mother's Day came around, my parents never got offended if one of us kids forgot to do something special. "I don't see the point of this holiday," they would say "Shouldn't it be every day that you guys do something special for us?" Of course, it was halfway a joke because they wanted us to behave, but they also truly didn't see the point of it.

I dont know about that. Of course every day should be spent like what the holidays tell us to do; we should always be thankful, and always show respect for our parents, and for veterans, and for our significant others. But being realistic, people get caught up in their busy lives and it doesnt always happen. So one day a year that "kind" of person gets recognition. Holidays were made to honor and celebrate something deserving of it. (363)

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