Monday, May 6, 2013

Crime is Pride

                                                          Think: all men make mistakes
But a good man yeilds when he
Knows his course is wrong,
And repairs the evil: The only
Crime is pride.
This passage is true in many aspects. When people do something wrong and they are made aware of it, its better to fix what they did than to keep doing to wrong thing. If they don't fix it, then they will be punished for it in some way, which is exactly what people want when a crime is committed.
Not all crime is pride though, and not all pride is crime. Crime can be rooted from anger, inferiority, desires and just plain stupidity. Pride isn't crime because we wouldn't know a lot of great artworks or concepts without it. If people didn't have some pride in their work it may never happen again, and it may not inspire people all around the world to do their own form of hard work.
People should also have the wisdom to know what is right and what is wrong. Something may be wrong according to what they have been taught, but that doesn't mean that what will come out of their mistake won't be amazing. So many of the things we have today would not be here if it weren't for a simple mistake made by someone who realized not all mistakes are bad, and that it is better to go with what they have.
It is true that all people make mistakes. Some mistakes do need to be fixed, but others need to be known. (259)

AP Exams

With AP tests comes stress and anxiety. Even though people hear the same advice over and over again, usually they end up just doing what they feel like doing. Cramming, and freaking out, two things they recommend NOT doing.

If I were to give advice though, I'd say sometimes cramming isn't a bad thing, depending on how you do it. You should definitely study more than once for such a bit exam, by studying certain things certain nights starting a week or so before the exam. If you're pretty confident with the material though, instead of freaking out and reading the book work for word, simply go through all of it the night before or before leaving to go to your exam. Sit somewhere comfy, eat something yummy, maybe even be with a friend, and just go through the words or formulas you need to know, and think of ways to apply them to different situations. Just do so with good time; don't stay up really late the night before just because I told you it might help.

They also tell you to eat a healthy filling breakfast before taking the exam. Honestly though, just eat what you know will get you through the next 3 hours of sitting in a gray room with people surrounding you close enough that would be able to hear every growl of your stomach if you thought a healthy breakfast is one that isn't very filling. No, I'm not telling you to go eat fast food or cake for breakfast. Just eat something that will fill you up but wont make you feel sick even during a nerve wracking essay.

Get enough sleep, pay full attention to your studies but don't overwork your brain (take breaks), and make sure to let yourself only be a little bit nervous. You'll get through it! (308)

The Bad, the Good, and the Media

Recently in Boston during a marathon, two bombs went off, killing and harming a lot of people. The scene was terrible; people already with wobbly legs from running for so long had their second huge adrenaline rush of the day, this time with so much fear surrounding them.

This horrific incident caused a lot of people to step up though. So many people went out of their way to help those in need, all the while with a thought in their head that they could be in danger. People working the water stands, people watching, and even runners were trying to help get people what and where they needed, carrying if they needed to.

The next day, and probably for the entire next week, there were people all across Boston mostly, but even across the country, running together in silence to give respect and remember those that were killed or injured during the marathon. Right away a huge investigation took place to find out who started all of this, and its amazing how fast they figured it out.

Some might argue though, that the media gave all of this a little too much attention. Most of the stories surrounding what happened were about the two men responsible, and about how bad it all was, not about all of the good that happened right after, or about how the marathon itself went. It's understandable people want to know what happened, but sometimes the media gives certain things unneeded attention.

There is a lot of hate in this world, but when something terrible happens is when people seem to come together, and that gives everyone hope.(274)

Save the Planet!

Back when the flood hit Cedar Rapids in 2008, I knew a few people who didn't try at all to use the least amount of water they could. They went on with their daily routine and did nothing to help anyone. Their thought was that they are only 1 person or so, and that it wouldn't make a difference in the big scheme of things. If more people thought that though, as I'm sure more people did, it would make a big difference. So why not just do your part? This applies to a lot of things.

There are so many ways you can help save energy and better your environment. You could turn a light off when you're not in a room, unplug things when you don't need them to be plugged in, turn the water off when you don't need it and recycle whatever you can. It may seem like it doesn't do a lot at all, but all of these simple actions can make a big difference.

If you really think about it, we are using a lot more natural resources than we used to, and that number increases as the population does. Years and years from now we could run out, crazy and impossible as that sounds. Even if it might not happen in your lifetime, why not help your future great great great great (x20) grandkids?

Walk down any street or to the nearest creek and chances are you will find trash on the ground. This can damage the animals that live around these areas and eventually, with those animals possibly contaminated, could damage us too. If you're not going to do it for others, remember how all of it can affect you too. Go out and pick up trash one day instead of staying inside. If you go with some friends, it can be really fun and at the same time helpful to everyone. (320)


Puns are hilarious. You can't deny a good pun.

Puns can be about anything and everything, and they can be loved by old people and young, they can have funny word play and are just so dang clever.

I love when people who aren't used to puns take a second to think about what you just said, and after they understand it their eyes get big and they let out a "HA!" as if that was the best thing they've ever heard. People who hear puns all the time though have to crack a smile no matter how stupid the pun may have been.

Puns can uplift any conversation, and when you think of a good one you just have to laugh at it too. Just don't be that loser who is the only one laughing at their own joke (psh.. I never do that..) Sometimes, the worst ones are the best ones.

Here are some funny pictures to brighten your day:

35 Terrible Puns To Brighten Your Day  35 Terrible Puns To Brighten Your Day
